Once there was a person that had amazing ideas, fantastic flights of fancy, creative whims, and invented wondrous things but kept them all locked up inside.
And there was a sibling that had some interesting ideas, not sensational or wildly creative necessarily, but workable. The difference is that the sibling spoke about the ideas, wrote them down, and shared them with others. The ideas grew and people began to make them into reality.
And the world was changed.
Thinking about great things is wonderful, but essentially useless until they are spoken out into the world and action is taken.
So, don’t wait for the Perfect Idea. Don’t wait until everything is ready. Go out now and Create something. Others will help you improve it, build it, distribute it, whatever needs to be done.
Circumstances are NEVER perfect.
Start now; where you are, with what you have and create something for you, your family, and for the world!