There is no point to worrying about anything!
You worry because you think that worrying is doing something about it and hence by worrying you believe that you will help prevent disaster. You worry because you believe it works for you.
And when the events you were worried about finally come about, you feel justified that you were correct in worrying about them because, look, here they are now!
Worry is useless, because at best it can only disrupt the desired positive outcome, and at worst bring about a negative outcome. There is not a single instance where worry can work positively. So why bother to do it any more?
— David Cameron Gikandi
In Improv you can’t take the time to worry about how it’s going to work. You just Do IT. We walk out on stage and say the first thing that comes up.
Don’t stop to think. You might not get started again.
And it works, because we’re all trained to “Yes, and…” every idea. Can you train your team, your business, your family to play the “Yes, and…” game, to Agree and Add To every idea??
I guarantee you’ll be more succesful, more fulfilled, and definitely have more fun!