“What do I want to do with my life?”
It’s a really common question that I hear. And, people ask it as if someone else knows the answer. That perhaps it’s “out there” somewhere.
Well, I am here to tell you, my friend…. You already know.
It might not be on the tip of your tongue and you may even be frustrated because you’ve been looking for sooo long, and taking so many quizzes, and asking so many people. But, who else could possibly know what You want to do with Your life?
That’s like asking someone else how You should feel about them. It’s kind of nuts, really.
The truth is that only You can answer what’s right for you. And, the funny thing is that it’s not like a big secret or hidden away somewhere.
What you should do is what you’re good at and not necessarily what you’re good at because you’ve done it for 10 years and you hate it. No, what you should do is what you’re just great at and what you really enjoy doing.
Don’t get caught up on the “How can I make money doing that?” Please, let’s leave the How until later. For know let’s just get to the What.
Ever hear of the Thirsty Traveller? Here’s a guy that wanted to do only two things. He wanted to see the world (Don’t we all?) and he loved beer. He’s now the host of a show called the Thirsty Traveller, where all he does is visit various cities around the world sampling their fine lagers and ales. Can’t make money doing what you love… look at that guy!
So, take a little time and write down literally every skill you have, every talent, ability, or just plain Thing You Like To Do.
And then put them in order; favorite at the top, least favorite at the bottom. Don’t get hung up on the ordering. If you are struggling with putting “Painting on Eggs” higher than “Clog Dancing,” take a moment, don’t struggle. Really, which one do you like more? It’s not hard and it is OK if they are somewhat out of order. (Nobody is going to grade you!)
See those top 5 things? I bet that some combination of 2-4 of them would make you joyous and excited about everyday.
Can you find some way to make sure at least of them get worked in Every Day? Would that be great for you?
And now, what if you could wake up everyday knowing that today you get to play at a few of your top favorite things in the world.
And Now… what if you could do 2-4 of your favorite things in the world everyday… and get paid for it? And paid well. No starving artists here.
People that love what they do and put their love and energy into it are well rewarded. Others recognize the spark, the joy, the energy that goes into something done well and passionately.
So, trust me. You already know.
Just ask yourself.